by DanWorley | Apr 8, 2019 | iPhone Tips
Part 1: The basics of iPhotography Whether you’re taking pictures to capture a moment, make a statement, or share a story, taking photos with intention will quickly improve the quality of your images. Today we’re talking about some hidden features you might not know...
by DanWorley | Mar 26, 2019 | How to take a good photo
Baseline JPEG 500k Why is my website slow? Website speed is extremely important, and photos can definitely be a source of slow load times for your website. Most people use Baseline JPEG photos. If you compress your photos be careful not to ruin them with too...
by DanWorley | Jan 22, 2019 | How to take a good photo
What should I wear and what should I avoid for my photo? Since this is a headshots this is more about your head than the clothes you are wearing. That means they will only be in about a third or less of the photo. Usually I tell people, wear what you like and what...
by DanWorley | Jan 22, 2019 | How to take a good photo
Skin and Makeup Our skin is our largest organ and probably our most abused. So, starting ideally a week before your photo session, show your skin more than usual kindness. Wear sunscreen, don’t get burned. Stay hydrated. For every cup of coffee or serving of...