412-370-4520 jen@jenworley.com
Portrait photo of Pittsburgh Professional M. Bernardine Dias, Ph.D. Headshot photo taken by Jen Barker Worley Photography
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249 Gross St., Pittsburgh, PA 15224


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M. Bernardine Dias, Ph.D

M. Bernardine Dias, Ph.D., is a roboticist committed to technology innovation that serves disadvantaged people. Dias has decades of experience in a range of robotics research projects, with over a decade of dedicated experience in applying robotics and automation technology to address challenges faced by underserved communities. Her most recent undertaking is the founding and leadership of Diyunu Consulting, LLC that seeks to create innovative technology solutions. Dias also served as an Associate Research Professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University for over a decade, where she developed international recognition as a lead researcher on a range of topics including assistive technology, educational technology, technology for underserved communities, and autonomous team coordination. At Carnegie Mellon, Dias was primarily affiliated with the Field Robotics Center, where she founded and directed the TechBridgeWorld research group that explored innovative technology solutions in partnership with underserved communities around the globe, and trained over a hundred students to be leaders in TechBridgeWorld’s methodology of compassionate engineering. Dias has received several honors and awards including the Anita Borg Early Career Award and the Louis Braille Touch of Genius prize for innovation. She actively encourages women in science and technology, and was also a founding member of, and graduate faculty advisor to the women@SCS group at Carnegie Mellon University. She earned her B.A. from Hamilton College, Clinton NY, with a dual concentration in Physics and Computer Science and a minor in Women’s Studies in 1998, followed by a M.S. (2000) and Ph.D. (2004) in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University.