412-370-4520 jen@jenworley.com

How much should I expect to pay?

How much should I expect to pay? This is probably the hardest question to answer.  One answer is: “Probably more than you would like to”.  Having an understanding of the world of marketing in the photographic business might help. One of the problems photographers have...

How do I choose a good photographer?

How do I choose a good photographer?      There are many good photographers available who are true artists.  But remember, like in the field of law. there are a number of photographic fields.  You would not hire a real estate attorney to defend you in criminal court. ...

What makes a good group portrait?

What makes a good group portrait? Group portraits can be effective in giving an idea of the size of the organization or the relationship between the members.    For larger groups the portrait will probably have to be done on location. Layout of the group is a key in...